The Tick Animated Wiki

Quote1 HUAAAH!! Quote2
Urchin's usual cry of distress

Sewer Urchin is a character on the animated television series The Tick. He wears a spiked outfit in multiple shades of purple. He is equipped with a SCUBA tank and a helmet that covers the upper part of his face.


Urchin first appeared during the Tick's first encounter with Chairface Chippendale. Following the theft of the Geissman Lenses, Urchn was eager to help the Tick and Arthur recover them. The heroes were reluctant to accept Urchin's aid, due mostly to his foul odor. They were able to politely decline Urchin's offer of help and proceeded without him.

Urchin later became a regular member of the Tick and Arthur's social circle. They brought him along to the Comet Club, and even though he and Die Fledermaus were irritating car passengers. Urchin's presence proved useful when his powerful smell subdued Doorman, thus enabling Arthur to enter the club and warn the patrons of danger. Some time after that, Sewer Urchin met up with several other heroes during Proto-Clown's rampage, and he later helped Arthur, Die Fledermaus and American Maid save the Tick from Charles.

Sewer Urchin has been a part of many adventures with the Tick, including the instance where he traveled several miles being pulled by his upper lip by the fugitive mustache, when he provided a submarine which was used to infiltrate the mutated Dinosaur Neil, and when the Tick and Arthur joined him in the sewers (where he was exceedingly competent and admired) to stop the Sewer Czar's evil plot.


Sewer Urchin is an unusual fellow: he wallows in the sewers, and yet, he loves it. He is the protector of the sewer's people, and unafraid to risk his life to save his home. He is often mocked by Die Fledermaus for his smell and habits, and is sometimes excluded from missions because nobody wants him around. He and Arthur seem to have a good friendship, as he answered Arthur's request to help him free Tick from Mr. Mental, and when he saved Arthur from Doorman, who was trying to kick him out of the Comet Club.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Debilitating Stench: His smell is enough to disable the android Doorman, who is very powerful.
  • Sewer Expertise: Despite seeing seen as a smelly joke above ground, he is a master of sewer terrain, which the Tick acknowledged with reverence.


  • Grappling Can: a grapple launcher disguised as a tin can.
  • Submarine: he has a "lovely submarine", which he uses to navigate the sewers, and store his findings.



  • Sewer Urchin is a parody of DC Comics Superhero, Aquaman, both in his sea-life-related persona and his impotency as a hero, which Aquaman has become somewhat known for in popular culture[3]. It was eventually revealed that he was extremely competent and successful in his own milieu, having some traits in common with Batman.
  • His personality and speech patterns are likely based on those of Ray Babbitt, Dustin Hoffman's character in the 1988 film Rain Man.
  • He is original to Tick's cartoon universe, as he was not based on a character from Ben Edlund's original comic.
  • Sewer Urchin was made into an action figure by Bandai Toys. It was part of the first series. The Sewer Urchin toy has a water-squirting scuba tank.


